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UC Berkeley Law School logo

Berkeley's Law (School) Logo: Never expose the wrongdoing of the University of California

Doubt this? Then ask Berkeley Law's Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky about this: "As for the choice you present, it is very, very difficult for a dean at one UC school to criticize the administration of another UC school."

Then ask him about this choice.  Then ask him why.

(Berkeley Law students: Got free speech?)

UC Berkeley Law; Erwin Chemerinsky
UC Berkeley Law Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky
UC Berkeley Law Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky.png
Erwin Chemerinsky, UC Berkeley
Erwin Chemerinsky, Berkeley Law.png
Erwin Chemerinsky, Berkeley Law Dean.png
Berkeley Law Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky.png
UC Berkeley Law Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky; This is UCLA.png
Erwin Chemerinsky; Your Expulsion is Your/My Own Good
Erwin Chemerinsky; Who is extinguished(lg).png
Berkeley Law Dean: Erwin Chemerinsky.png
Erwin Chemerinsky; Dean, Berkeley Law.png
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UC Berkeley, Erwin Chemerinsky; Quote.png
UCLA Erwin Chemerinsky; Edward Keenan quote.png
UCLA Erwin Chemerinsky; Robert Brenner quote.png
UC Berkeley; Erwin Chemerinsky
Berkeley Law logo & motto: servility to power®
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