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“I don't know how to prove this, but I have a feeling that when you go to the elite universities you find more obedience and conformity—probably because you’re getting the students who were better able to do it.”  Noam Chomsky

Harvard University logo: Sheeple in Servility to Power
Harvard Law School: Silence & Iniustitiam
Harvard Law School: Servitutem Potentiae
Harvard Shield logo: Sheeple
Harvard Law School Shield of Silence: No Lex et No Iustitia
Harvard Law School Shield of Servility: Servitutem Potentiae
Harvard Law School Shield: Servility to Power
Harvard Law School: Sheeple in Servitutem Potentiae
Harvard Law School: Servility to Power
Harvard Law School Association: Servility to Power
Harvard Law School Shield of Silence: Iniustitiam
Harvard Law School Servility to Power Shield: Servitutem Potentiae
Stanford University brand logo: Servility to Power
Yale University brand logo: Servitutem Potentiae
Yale University brand logo: Servility to Power
Yale University & Shield: Servitutem Potentiae
Yale University & Shield: Servility to Power
Yale University wordmark: servility to power
Stanford Brand Logo: $ervility to Power (grn)
Stanford Brand Logo: $ervility to Power®
Stanford University logo: Servility to Power
USC: University Sheeple Church
USC: University of Servility to Power
'SC = Sheeple Church: Servility to Power
University of Southern California seal; revised: Servility to Power
USC seal & motto: University of Servility to Power
University of California, Berkeley logo & wordmark
Berkeley Engineering logo (revised)
USC: University of Servility to Corporatocracy.png
USC logo: University of Servility to Corporatocracy
USC: Corporatocracy (Servitutem Potentiae).png
USC brand logo: Corporatocracy.png
USC: Corporatocracy USC (horiz).png

(working proof in progress)

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