





Currently, the female version of the University System-Level (USL) Marketing Mannequin most effectively displays and sells the "diversity," "bold," "progressive," and "inclusive" fashionwear to those wanting/needing a visibly trendy identity to match their deep "brand-name university" indoctrination. (Marketing & sales trends over the coming years will determine the next form(s) and image(s) for the most effective USL Marketing Mannequins.) The twenty-one (21) USL Marketing Mannequins shown above have given their entire careers to demonstrating their deep indoctrination and their primary function coming out of their "higher education": Serve power & privilege— by never uttering a single word or committing a single act that could threaten this power & privilege.
Accordingly, academic freedom and free speech are merely global marketing slogans promoted by these USL Marketing Mannequins—empty doctrines to be instilled along with other "doctrines of the faith"* shrouding the campuses of "elite" universities.
*"What is important in the present context is the contribution of the harshest critics (within the mainstream) to reinforcing the system of indoctrination, of which they themselves are victims—as is the norm for the educated classes, who are typically the most profoundly indoctrinated and in a deep sense the most ignorant group, the victims as well as the purveyors of the doctrines of the faith. The great achievement of the critics is to prevent the realization that what is happening today is not some departure from our historical ideals and practice, to be attributed to the personal failings of this or that individual. Rather, it is the systematic expression of the way our institutions function and will continue to function unless impeded by an aroused public that comes to understand their true nature and their true history—exactly what our educational institutions must prevent if they are to fulfill their function, namely, to serve power and privilege." (Noam Chomsky; "The Manufacture of Consent" ©1984)